Impact of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance: A Case Study of University of Chitral


  • Safina Bibi University of Chitral
  • Anisa Batool University of Chitral
  • Saif Mujahid Shah Uinversiy of Chitral


This descriptive study, conducted at the University of Chitral, focused on examining the influence of social media on student’s academic performance. The research formulated four hypotheses and aimed to investigate the impact of social media engagement on student’s academic performance. From a total population of 1000 undergraduate students, a random sample of 250 was initially chosen; however, due to common bias errors, the final sample comprised 243 students. The Likert-type rating questionnaire was employed to collect data, and descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages were utilized to analyze demographic information. The study utilized regression analysis to test the formulated hypotheses by using SPSS software. The findings revealed a negative influence of social media on students because most of the students at the university of Chitral were addicted to social media. Despite the adverse effects, the research highlights the potential for positive use of social media in an educational context. This study contributes to the understanding of the complex relationship between social media and student’s academic performance, providing insights for educators and policymakers to harness the positive aspects while mitigating the negative impacts of social media on undergraduate students. 

Keywords: social media, academic performance, social media addictiveness, social media exposure


